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  A Sample Method of D-STAR

       Radio Programming


There are many ways to program your D-STAR radio for easy and convenient use.  Frequently used D-STAR commands can be stored in memories for quick and easy recall.  The following method is one way to program and arrange memories.  After becoming more familiar with D-STAR, you may find a more convenient method.

This memory organization creates a group of adjacent memory channels for use on one repeater.  In this example, KI4WXS, module C (VHF) is used.  Its frequency, shift, offset, RPT1 and RPT2 are the same for each memory.  The UR entry is what differentiates the desired D-STAR command.  These are described below.

 Channel 1 – This is used for general QSOs on this repeater.  CQCQCQ is in the UR field.  CQCQCQ means that your transmission will be directed to no one in particular.  If the repeater is already linked to another repeater or reflector, you will transmit on both your local repeater and on the linked repeaters and reflectors.

Channel 2 – This is used to issue an UNLINK command to the repeater.  (There are 7 blanks before the U so the U is in the eighth position.)  To unlink the repeater, tune to this channel and momentarily key your radio.  A voice reply will announce that the repeater is now unlinked.  Return to channel 1 to use the repeater unlinked.

Channel 3 – This is used to determine if the repeater is linked.  To use, tune to Channel 3 and momentarily key your radio.  If the repeater is linked, a voice will announce “Remote System Linked”.  The linked repeater or reflector ID will scroll across the radio’s data display.  If the repeater is not linked, the voice will announce the repeater call sign and the radio’s data display will scroll the repeater call sign.  Be sure to return to Channel 1 to continue.

Channels 4 - This provides a method for the repeater to record your transmission and play it back.  This can be useful to see how well you are getting into the repeater.  To use, tune to Channel 4 and make a short voice transmission.  After you un-key, your transmission will be played back (echoed) over the repeater.  When finished, be sure to tune to Channel 1 for normal operation.

Channel 510 – These are used to issue a link command to your favorite repeater or reflector.  For example, to link the repeater to REFLECTOR 1C, tune to Channel 5, and momentarily key the radio when clear.  Upon successful linking, a voice will announce “Remote System Linked” and the linked status will scroll on the radio’s data display.  Be sure to return to Channel 1 to continue.

Alternate programming method for certain ICOM radios with the DR mode

The method described on the other page can be used on all ICOM radios, but consumes many memory slots.  If you have one of the ICOM radios (IC-80AD, IC-9100, ID-31A, ID-880H) with the DR (D-Star Repeater) mode you can use the method described below.  This uses fewer memories and makes it easy to scan just the local D-Star repeaters when the radio is in the DR mode.

The radio has separate memories for a Repeater List and a Call Sign List.  The table below shows 5 memory channels taken up by the D-Star Charlotte area repeaters.  These are in the radio’s Repeater List.

Notice that RPT1 USE on the far right is set to “Yes”, which means that the channel will be available when the radio is in DR mode.  Also notice that there is no UR call sign specified in the Repeater List.

A separate set of Your Call Sign Memories are programmed with call signs that you would want to select to populate the UR field.  These are shown below in the radio’s Call Sign List.  This takes up only 14 memory slots.

There is no duplication of UR call signs assigned to separate repeater memories, thus consuming fewer memory slots.

Each reflector linking command (U06 – U14) is listed just once and can be selected to apply to any repeater in the Repeater List.  Likewise there is the only one unlink command (U02), one ID command (U04) and one echo command (U03).  Note that there are 7 spaces before the U, E or I.  The command letter must be in the 8th position.  The repeater call is usually not needed for these commands.

Notice the two memories used for CQCQCQ (U01 and U05).  This is because when using the radio’s DR mode the radio’s internal CQCQCQ sets the RPT2 field to “NOT USE*” and it cannot be populated with the repeater’s gateway call sign.  By selecting either U01 or U05 the radio will then place the proper call sign in the RPT2 field.  More that one CQCQCQ is programmed so that one is never too far away in the list.  Note the radio’s menu item for “Gateway Auto Set” must be set to “Auto”.



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