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D-Star Linking Tips
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D-Star Linking Tips


      D-STAR Linking Tips


Use the following example to program and store a memory for local operation:

                                            2 meter VHF           70cm UHF                  70cm UHF                1.2 GHz Voice

            Frequency:         145.140- (0.6)         443.8625+ (5.0)        443.9875+ (5.0)      1292.000- (20.0)

            UR:                        CQCQCQ                   CQCQCQ                     CQCQCQ                   CQCQCQ

            RPT1:                    KI4WXS C                 KI4WXS B                    KA4YMZ B                KA4YMZ A

            RPT2:                    KI4WXS G                 KI4WXS G                   KA4YMZ G               KA4YMZ G

(Note that module designations must be in the 8th position regardless of call sign length.  If a call sign is shorter than 7 characters, add spaces to ensure the module letter is in the 8th position.  Always use the repeater call sign with G in the 8th position of RPT2 so that DV Dongle and linked repeaters can hear you.)

Repeater Linking (To link a repeater module to another repeater)

Example: To link to WX4GPB C or W4DOC C, set a memory for the following and key for one second:

                        Frequency:  145.140           UR: WX4GPBCL        RPT1: KI4WXS C          RPT2: KI4WXS G

                        Frequency:  443.9875         UR: W4DOC CL          RPT1: KA4YMZ B        RPT2: KA4YMZ G

(Note additional spaces for call signs shorter than 7 characters.  Exception: when appending L [for link] in the UR field the L goes in the 8th position and the module letter moves to the 7th position.)

After the repeater announces that it is linked, move back to the memory for normal operation:

                        Frequency:  145.140           UR: CQCQCQ             RPT1: KI4WXS C         RPT2: KI4WXS G

Linking to a Reflector

Reflectors are locations where multiple repeaters or DV Dongle users can connect simultaneously (like a conference bridge).  Reflectors are designated as REF001C or REF004A.  Each reflector has separate conference channels designated by A, B or C at the end.  For example, you can connect to REF001A, REF001B or REF001C.  Think of them as separate conference bridges.   There are two additional channels: D is for data testing such as D-Rats and E is for echo testing.  You should not normally link to D or E for a voice QSO, but you can link to them for their intended purpose.

To link to a reflector (ex. REF001C) from KI4WXS C, program as follows:

                        Frequency:  145.140           UR: REF001CL            RPT1: KI4WXS C         RPT2: KI4WXS G

Checking repeater link info

To see if a repeater is linked, program a memory for:

                        Frequency:  145.140           UR: KI4WXS I             RPT1: KI4WXS C         RPT2: KI4WXS G

If the repeater is not linked, it will announce its ID.  If it is linked, it will announce “Repeater already linked”.  The linking status will also be shown in the radio’s data line display.


To unlink a repeater or reflector, set a memory as follows and key for one second:

                        Frequency:  145.140           UR: *******U         RPT1: KI4WXS C         RPT2: KI4WXS G

(Note * in UR is a space; the U is in the 8th position.  Spaces precede it.)

The repeater will announce “Remote system unlinked.”  Be sure to return to your memory for normal operation with CQCQCQ in the UR field.

A note about D-Star Courtesy

Beyond the normal repeater courtesies of listening before transmit, and pausing between transmissions, remember that you are using a reflector and all the repeaters linked to it when you are transmitting on a linked repeater.  Limit the time you tie up a linked system so others may have an opportunity to use it.  If you wish to use the repeater for a longer period or locally, unlink it, but remember to re-link it when you are done.  If you link a repeater to a reflector that it is not normally linked to, please unlink when you are done rather than leaving it linked.  Another courtesy when linking is to announce your intention to link or unlink.  That way others monitoring will know what you are doing.

Help and other resource links

To see who’s on our Charlotte area local repeaters, view the D-STAR Dashboard:

https://ki4wxs.metro-uhf.org/status.html or https://ka4ymz.metro-uhf.org/status.html

(Ignore the security warning and click through to the page.)

For help programming your D-STAR radio, use the D-STAR Calculator at:


To make it easier to program your radio’s memory channels, you can get a regional file at:


You can then import this file into the ICOM programming software and program your radio.

To see who has recently been on D-STAR worldwide:  http://www.dstarusers.org

For a listing of D-STAR repeaters:

http://www.dstarinfo.com/standard-repeater-list.aspx or http://www.dstarusers.org/repeaters.php

To see the entire list of worldwide reflectors:  http://www.dstarinfo.com/reflectors.aspx

For general D-STAR information:  http://www.dstarinfo.com/ or http://www.dstarusers.org

For info on the DV Dongle:  http://www.dvdongle.com

For info on the DV Access Point Dongle (DVAP): http://dvapdongle.com/

For access to Charlotte related D-Star information go to our web page at:  http://www.charlottedstar.org

You should register your callsign at a D-Star gateway near your home QTH, although you can register anywhere.  You need to register only once. 

You should not register more than once, as that creates errors. 

To check you registration, enter your call sign at this site: https://wb1gof.dstargateway.org/cgi-bin/dstar-regcheck

D-STAR Forums and Groups

There are numerous D-Star related yahoo groups that will permit you to follow the latest info about various aspects of D-Star.  Go to:  http://groups.yahoo.com/ and search for “dstar”.  Peruse the groups and join any in which you are interested.  Groups for regions, radios, repeaters, nets, software, etc. are available.  A few of our favorites are:

Charlotte Digital Radio Group: CharlotteDigitalRadioGroup
General interest topics and news on what’s happening with D-STAR and other digital modes in Charlotte and the Carolinas region including announcements of our monthly dinner meetings.

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